CardioCard PC-Based EKG System - ON SALE Print on standard paper while monitoring, simple single button monitoring, printing, storage to database. Full narrative interpretations, full measurements, pacemaker option, transmission by fax, internet, etc. Utilizes its own database and EMR-chart recordkeeping system, a high-end user editable pick list for physical exams, meds, histories, for instant storage and recall. USB connection, will run Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, 11 Wireless Bluetooth version now available! Includes EKG software, patient cable, manuals. Does not include computer. WINTER SPECIAL from $1,895! Item# CARDIOCARD-EKG Regular Price:$2,695.00 Sale Price:$1,895.00 |
CardioHolter system software complete with one digital flash recorder and all accessories. One year warranty. Choose from 5-lead or 7-lead cable. Item# CARDIOHOLTER Regular Price:$3,995.00 Sale Price:$2,995.00 |
Software package can be used in a manual mode, with your treadmill or ergometer. Software will issue commands - practitioner must slow or speed up treadmill, etc. Can also be used as a package with Trackmaster treadmill or Scifit ErgoBike as a fully integrated stress system when ordered together. See below. Includes all software, patient cable and clips (no batteries needed,) stress belt, users manual, built-in system help, unlimited telephone support and training. One year warranty. Item# cardiostress1 Regular Price:$3,995.00 Sale Price:$3,195.00 |
Complete Cardio-Stress system software, with Trackmaster TMX425 Treadmill. Full integration between software and treadmill. Computer not included. One year warranty. EXTRA SHIPPING WILL APPLY DEPENDING ON YOUR LOCATION DUE TO TREADMILL SIZE AND WEIGHT. WE WILL ADVISE PRIOR TO SHIPPING. Item# Cardio-Stress TM Regular Price:$10,990.00 Sale Price:$8,995.00 |
Get a complete stress package for under $7000.00! CardioStress PC-based software for use with SciFit Commercial Style recumbent ergonomic bike. Features include: CardioStress software 'talks' to bike through RS-232 serial cable (provided) Seating that positions users from 4.75 to 7.0 feet tall in an ergonomically correct riding position. 300lb capacity Patented DataCard system 3 year factory warranty Item# CStress3700 Regular Price:$8,795.00 Sale Price:$6,795.00 |
Includes: CardioCard EKG system, with EKG software and patient cable, leadwires, clip adapters and manuals. CardioCard Stress system, with Stress software and patient cable and grabber connectors and manuals. CardioCard Holter system, with Holter software, one digital Holter recorder, 5-leadwire set and manuals. One year manufacturers parts and labor warranty. Unlimited telephone support and setup help. Save $1895.00 if bought separately. Item# C-Suite Regular Price:$7,885.00 Sale Price:$6,490.00 |

Easy upgrades to CardioStress and CardioHolter. Export to standard file formats, on-screen scrolling through data, most powerful serial historical comparisons available.
Laptop with USB or desktop compatible. No batteries needed to run patient cable like some other brands. One year warranty.
Includes software, patient cable, users manual, 100 pages of help built into system, unlimited telephone support and training.
Does not include computer.
Laptop with USB or desktop compatible. No batteries needed to run patient cable like some other brands. One year warranty.
Includes software, patient cable, users manual, 100 pages of help built into system, unlimited telephone support and training.
Does not include computer.