The CS200's exercise testing module expands the system's capabilities. The large color display provides clear monitoring throughout the entire test. Vital information at-a-glance for maximum patient safety and test reliability. Printouts are generated at pre-programmed intervals or at the simple push of a button.
Continuous ST Analysis
Built-in storage - diskette or DVD drive
Late potential analysis with signal averaging and high pass filtering
QT dispersion
Many other advanced features
Includes interpretive EKG, stress cart, color monitor, TM425 Trackmaster treadmill with all cables and cords, Data Mangement Software, all manuals.
Item# 9.030000
Regular Price:$24,500.00
Sale Price:$18,950.00
CS200 is an advanced Stress Test solution that incorporates traditional stress EKG and the data-management features of a Windows-based operating system.