Monitor Your Blood Pressure and Save Your Life
The medical community calls high blood pressure the silent killer. It often has few or no signs or symptoms, but greatly increases your risk of heart attack and stroke. In addition to taking your pulse, it’s one of the most common tests given while visiting your doctor.
Thousands of people live with dangerous levels of high blood pressure and put themselves at risk for severe health problems because they’re not aware of the issue. It can damage everything from your heart and brain to your kidneys. It’s also usually connected with other diseases as well including diabetes.
What is Blood Pressure?
The body needs well oxygenated blood to function. The heart pumps blood through veins and arteries, but over time these arteries can be blocked or inflamed. This lowers the amount of blood that can pass and increase the pressure.
The heart needs to work harder to circulate the blood. Arterial blockage is a common cause of high blood pressure and it can lead to clots that cut off blood to the brain and heart, leading to cardiac arrest or stroke.
Measuring Blood Pressure
There are various instruments used to measure high blood pressure. The usually involve a cuff placed around the arm that tightened either automatically or through a pump. Once the pump is tight, air is slowly released from the sphygmomanometer and they listen to your pulse.
Your blood pressure is made up of two numbers. Systolic is the “top number” and is higher than the “bottom” number, diastolic. The systolic measures the pressure of the blood vessels when your heart beats and the diastolic measures it between heartbeats.
A blood pressure of 120/80 and below is considered normal. If it’s between 120-139/ 80-29, then you’re considered pre-hypertensive. This means you’re at risk of getting high blood pressure in the future and it should be monitored.
If your numbers are higher than 140/90, then you’re considered hypertensive and need medical treatment.
High Blood Pressure Risk Factors
There are many reasons why people develop high blood pressure. There is a genetic link, so if you parents had high blood pressure, then you’re likely to develop it as well. A sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and obesity are also risk factors
People who smoke are at a higher chance of developing high blood pressure. People with diabetes and who drink too much alcohol can also increase their risk of hypertension. Hypertension is a common malady and can be treated with medication and lifestyle changes.
If the hypertension is caused by lack of exercise and poor diet, then changes in those may eliminate the high blood pressure over time.
Dangers of High Blood Pressure
It’s estimated that 1 out of 3 adults has or will develop high blood pressure in their lives. That’s one third of the total populations in the United States.
High blood pressure is a wide spread epidemic that only gets worse as American forego healthy diets for fast and processed foods. As arterial and inflammation increases, so does high blood pressure. You’ll likely not even know you have it.
If you develop symptoms, such as headaches and dizziness, you’ll likely pass them off. Since it is such a widespread problem, physicians check blood pressure as a part of standard visits. With no obvious signs or symptoms, these checks either at the doctor or automated devices, people could go years without know they have high blood pressure.
The biggest danger is not knowing or not caring. Many people with high blood don’t consider it a major health issue because it doesn’t make them feel any different. It’s not until they have a heart attack or stroke that they realize the importance of regulating blood pressure.
Control Your Blood Pressure Now
Whether you’re a hospital needing to upgrade their equipment or a patient who needs to regularly take their blood pressure, we have a large selection of machines for you to choose from. They make taking blood pressure readings easy no matter the situation.
Cardiology Shop has some of the best equipment available in the industry. If you want to learn more about our selection, then explore our site. You’ll find the exact blood pressure monitoring equipment you need whether is for professional or personal use.